Hi everyone,

We were extensively deliberating what to include on this page. After exhaustively flicking between the political options, nothing felt quite right. We concluded the most authentic way to communicate ‘about us’ was sharing our first edition mission statement. This was curated during a typical Thursday evening in a London pub. We racked our excited brains deciding exactly what we were doing and why. It’s our hope that by sharing this raw format, you can catch the most original line of thought.

As always we welcome any questions through our ‘contact us’ page. We cannot wait to speak, all the very best from your EnviroSkye team.

aMission Statement

Reduce the amount of unsustainable and plastic packaging being sold in the UK, by connecting innovative and sustainable vendors with businesses and selling their packaging alternatives to these businesses.


- Stop harmful materials being used across the entire packaging industry.

- Create culture of employee enjoyment and fulfilment.

- Elevating the accessibility of innovative and sustainable providers to consumers via business.

- Offer an entire packaging solution through one provider, make it easier for customers we speak to to do it sustainably.


Enviroskye distributes high quality biomaterials to replace less sustainable alternatives. i.e. plastic, cardboard.

- EnviroSkye creates relationships with customers to understand and evaluate customer’s current packaging, finding alternative more sustainable packaging which fits with their product offering and requirements.

- Create a business that works holistically for all parties… customer, our vendors, us and the planet.